Property Think Tank

Property Think Tank is an arm of SALBASHIAN ARCHITECTS created for investors, property developers, occupiers or key stakeholders in the property development industry. If you have an idea for a property development or would like to enter into property development, Linette Salbashian will work with you to develop and crystalise your idea for a development and connect you with key stakeholders to commercialise the end product.

Linette has been using innovation processes since 2011 and has applied this throughout her career in her involvement with various organisations throughout the years. These methodologies stem from training and material used from IDEO, Richard Buchanan (Wicked Problems), David Kelly, Stanford University, the University of Sydney and the University of Technology, Sydney.

Benefits for Investing in Innovation Training & Consultation

  • Become a leader in the industry and pioneer in areas such as property design, construction, development, workplace culture, innovation, sustainability, technology, affordability.

  • Drive business growth (identify new markets and new products and services) with incremental or massive revenue and accelerate commercialisation (by learning to analyse market trends and opportunities, creating partnerships, developing and testing plans)

  • Gain competitive advantage in the marketplace

What Does Innovation Training & Consultation Look Like?

  • Inject a culture of creativity and problem-solving skills in your teams to overcome roadblocks

  • Design properties that fit customer needs and increase sales through customer-centric design processes

  • Create new building typologies (new types of properties)

  • Develop commercially viable new products, property types and building typologies (adjacent or new customers) through research processes and prototyping workshops

  • Business model innovation - by tapping into people within your organisation, testing and implementing new procedures, environments etc

  • Create and test additional revenue streams

  • Test and create prototypes of new digital products, the UX/UI facets, CRO or a hybrid with new brick and mortar products or building typologies.

  • Access to expert advice for ideation, product development


The 5-Step Innovation Process:

  1. Research & Expand the Problem - Stakeholder/Customer Interviews & Research Methods Used

  2. Decide on the Best Problem to Focus on - Label the Problem & Pain Point

  3. Come up with Ideas through altering environments, brainstorming techniques tailored to either individuals or groups

  4. Prototype & Test ideas by designing & implementing experiments

  5. Repeat/Pivot - using multiple iterations to test and refine design

    Please click on the arrow below to see the list of tools you can use:

  • - 5 Whys

    - A/B split testing

    - Affinity Diagramming

    - Assumption Reversal

    - Autobiographical Diaries

    - Backcasting

    - Body mapping

    - Body Storming

    - Brainwriting 6-3-5

    - Business Model Canvas

    - Business Model experimenttaion

    - Card Sorting

    - Cartographic Mapping

    - Channel Mapping

    - Co-design workshops

    - Competitor analysis

    - Context Mapping

    - Contextual observation

    - Cultural Probes

    - Decision matrices

    - Design by metaphor

    - Design Critique

    - Design Team Cards

    - Design Timescapes

    - Direct Experience storyboards

    - Empathic modelling

    - Empathy Mapping

    - Experience Prototyping

    - Experience Sampling

    - Extreme Characters

    - Focus Groups

    - Forced association

    - Future workshops

    - Group Passing

    - Group Optimisation

    - Hero Stories

    - Heuristic Evaluation

    - How Might We

    - Impact Ripple Canvas

    - Interaction relabeling

    - Interviews

    - Jobs To Be Done

    - KJ Brainstorming

    - Laddering

    - Local Orbits

    - Low fidelity Prototyping

    - Mapping Space

    - Material exploration

    - Mind Mapping WWWWWH

    - Mock-ups

    - Mood Boards

    - Morphological Charts

    - Non Human personas

    - Online ethnography

    - Perceptual Maps

    - Persona Based walkthroughs

    - Personas

    - Pop ups

    - Questionnaires

    - Reframing

    - Research Visualisation

    - Role Playing

    - Scenario based thinking

    - Scenarios

    - Science Fiction prototyping

    - Set the Scene

    - Service Blueprints

    - Sketching

    - Sketchnoting

    - Speculating preferred futures

    - STEP Cards

    - Storyboarding

    - Strategy choice cascade

    - Systems Mapping

    - Thematic Analysis

    - Think Aloud Protocol

    - Trends Lens

    - Usability Testing

    - User Journey Mapping

    - User Profiles

    - Value Proposition Canvas

    - Values Cartouche

    - Video Prototyping

    - What Would X Do?

    - Wireflows

    - Wireframing

    - Worst Possible Idea


Training & Theory (Half-Day) By the end of the training, you will have learned to problem solve using the concept of innovation, human/customer-centric design I have taught at top universities and used when I worked for a large corporation. A variety of case studies will be explored.

Implementation Workshop (Full Day) - By the end of the workshop, you will have solved a specific problem in one of your projects or an area of your business by collaborating with your team members using the training learned in the previous session. Please note, the Training & Theory Package is a pre-requisite for this workshop day.

Property Development Launch - Do you have an idea for a property development and have don’t know where to start? Having an idea is just 1% of the journey. My consultations help you to execute on the other 99% by successfully building, validating, funding and launching your property development idea.